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Your starting point is the one where you are standing today. You know your destination but you do not know the route. You have to look for someone who can guide you so that you reach your ultimate goal. The guide is your financial advisor, who will help you define a road which you shall follow in order to achieve your target. The end of the pathway is your ultimate target, which in most cases is a happy retirement life. Your financial advisor will devise the road for you according to your goals, your demographics, your income, assets and liabilities. He will give you solutions for various hindrances that you might face while steering on the path, and he will also guide you on crossing the periodical laps i.e the points where you will achieve your short term and long term goals.
One the road to success, you'll confront a number of challenges and opportunities, your journey cas be characterised as:
A bend in the road is not the end of the road: The investment path that you chose, might require you to now take a turn. This may happen if it is best to modify your portfolio in order to meet your present needs, or if the present market offers some new and better investment opportunity than what you already have. So, you shall move as the road suggests to.
The bottomline is there will be steep turns and tolls where you have to stop by to achieve your short and long term goals. There will be diversions as well, but you do not have to deviate from your set plan, since these diversions are the temptations to take a short cut which will ultimately mislead and prevent you from achieving your life goals. You have to overcome and exploit them wisely.
Your investment plan is the road that you will travel on, your determination is the fuel which will keep you going, your hard work is your engine, and when you are on the hot seat, feel the thrill and be ready for the best.
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