Importance of Health Insurance - Today and Forever

Tuesday, June 02 2020
Source/Contribution by : NJ Publications

To most of us, food, clothing, and shelter were the norms for survival. Then came technology and connectivity in the form of mobile phones. These are now indicators of our survival and safety. However, in addition to the real, touch, and feel type of safety indicators, we need the security of health, both physical and financial type. While physical health can be a subjective discussion as to the right food, adequate exercise, and healthy lifestyles, financial health is rather easy to discuss.

We save to invest for our future goals in various instruments according to the asset allocation as advised, which gives us financial security. However, mere investing will not suffice. Protecting the investment is equally important. We need to also protect our finances and future goals from unexpected expenses.

While certain expenses can be avoided, reduced, or delayed, expenses like sudden hospitalization due to injury or sickness can’t be. On top of that, these expenses are sudden, painful, and unavoidable. Accidental injuries can happen anywhere, anytime to anyone, and now the health dangers have also started to behave similarly. The current situation prevailing in the entire world for the last few months has intensified this second probability stronger than the first. Almost anyone can get infected and if not diagnosed soon, will have to get treated in a hospital. These expenses rapidly start our eroding bank balance, investments, and sometimes even credit scores. Luckily, we have the option to opt for health insurance to take care of such situations.

What do most people understand health insurance as? A common misnomer is to pay INR 15,000 to 25,000 to some insurance companies for the insurance to avail the tax benefit. Usually, in this amount, a family of 4 may get a health cover for approximately INR 300,000 to 500,000. Unfortunately, such cover is not sufficient in today's time. A hospitalization for major surgery will cost much more than this amount. In fact, the treatment of COVID for a week will cost you more than a few lakh rupees.

Therefore, taking health insurance for the nominal amount or merely for tax benefit will not help much. Since the hospital bills are steep, non-negotiable, and can not be delayed, borrowing and withdrawing from investments are the immediate consequences. A rather serious long term impact has forced a compromise on financial goals, particularly child's education and marriage or even our retirement goals. Such goals need long term planning with total discipline, as they are also non-delayable and not negotiable.

Moreover, the financial pain doesn’t stop on the day of discharge. In case of an accident injury, even after discharge from the hospital, a few weeks or months of inactivity will stop the income during that period, while the expenses would keep on mounting. Only accident insurance with loss of income feature can come to the rescue. Add accident insurance with loss of income feature, at least for the earning member of the family.

Regular evaluating and upgrading of insurance every few years is highly advisable. We keep on upgrading our lifestyle right? We upgrade our phones, laptops, curtains, bikes, and cars every few years in the name of a better life. Time has come to upgrade our health insurance for a better financial life. The importance of health & Accident insurance can be at best explained as ‘Food, clothing, shelter, mobile phone, and insurance are the basic requirements of life’.

It has been universally believed that life is, now, going to be completely changed and taking new forms of living it in a different way. Perceptions and mindset of people have changed drastically to develop more practical approaches towards life. Health insurance has now become a primary requirement with the phenomenal increase in deadly disease and advanced medical procedure.

Till now, we have been depending either on the Government or on friends and relatives for our medical emergencies. But we have witnessed a number of cases wherein friends and relatives avoid visiting the hospital to see the patient under the threat of being asked for financial help. “ Sukh ke sab sathi, dukh mein na koi”

The time has come to retrospect and reallocate our resources as per the basic theory of need hierarchy. We have been wasting lots of resources on unnecessary elements but ignoring the basic requirements like health insurance. If we feel that health insurance premium is very hefty and disturbing our budget, then we must try the illness.

Health Insurance today comes with various add on features and depending upon the budget of the customer or his lifestyle, various options are available. There are 24 Non-Life Insurance Companies and 7 stand-alone health insurance companies in India who offer health plans. Choices are many, features are many but important is to buy before any eventuality comes your way.